Monday, March 17, 2008

Some chairs and a light fixture.

I was so excited today-Susie from the fremont vintage mall called to tell me another piece sold-the silver tool chest-I didn't think anybody would buy that-I thought I would end up taking that home with me. It was so worth it climbing that 12 foot dumbster.Yeah!!...and my grey dresser/bookshelf sold this past weekend. So tomorrow I'm loading up some more pieces. I wanted to show a before pic of the turqouise chandelier(retta)-just a free light fixture and some broken necklaces. The dining chairs I found on the curb and decided to take a risk and go anthropologie on them-mustard and franki's old turquoise quilt for the seats. I hope by placing them with the black table-they will sell as a set. The sixties(I think) light fixture I bought at an amazing garage sale on Fri. morning. This garage sale was so exciting-I bought all kinds of hardware-tools/light fixtures-my heart was racing., hee, hee I have to remember to hit this sale next year.

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